Optical lens treatment
Anti-Reflective Coating
The sharpness of your vision is the first thing to be affected. Reflections interfere with your visual field and alter its accuracy. The result? You feel real discomfort in certain situations.

Anti-Scratch Coating
Glasses are fragile and they can easily be scratched. Sports activities, or even removing dust, can be a source of potential scratches. Scratches are not only unsightly, they also impair your vision.

Anti-Smudge Coating
Fingerprints, condensation, dust... Your glasses are put to the test every day. This dirt can cause visual discomfort and scratch your lenses when you clean them.

The BlueProtect filter
The BlueProtect lens coating filters out blue-violet light and blocks UV rays. It acts selectively on wavelengths of between 400 and 450 nanometres, while maintaining the transparency of the lens and preserving colours.
The BlueProtect coating is a non-invasive prevention method with no side effects.

Light reactive lenses
Your eyes work hard each day to adapt to different variations in light. To remedy this discomfort and avoid tiring your eyes too much, you spend your life alternating between sunglasses and prescription glasses.

Extra-Resistant Lenses
Do you enjoy life to the full? Your glasses may sometimes suffer impacts or encounter objects or substances that leave marks. Sports enthusiasts and children often end up with scratched and stained glasses.

Driving Glasses
Many drivers feel insecure in difficult light and weather conditions such as rain, fog, dusk or darkness. They are sometimes reluctant to drive. Potential glare or reflections make them stressed or uncomfortable.

Lens thinning
Do you need optical lenses? Please note that their thickness will depend on the type of correction. The stronger the correction, the thicker and heavier the lenses. Thin lenses ensure perfect correction of your eyesight without putting weight on your nose.