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Eye exam for contact lens wearers

Daily, weekly or monthly – contact lenses are an excellent alternative or complement to eyeglasses. To ensure that your contact lenses are always well adapted to your vision and that you enjoy optimal comfort, it is recommended to have regular eye examinations. Your Visilab opticians offer various eye tests, specific to your needs and situation. They will also help first-time users to learn how to wear and manipulate their contact lenses, as well as how to take care of them.

New or experienced wearers: to each their own eye test

Making an appointment online is easy:

  1. Choose your reason: “Contact lens appointment”

  2. Choose your shop

  3. Choose your time slot

  4. Provide your contact details and indicate the exact reason for the appointment in the comments

  5. Your appointment is confirmed!

You can book a contact lens appointment either online or in store for the following exams: 

I already wear contact lenses: 


  • Contact lens check-up (including an eye examination): duration 30 min. CHF 50.00

Performed yearly, this eye test for contact lens renewal is for wearers who wish to check that all is well before continuing with the same model.

Simply select the "Contact lens appointment" online, fill in the necessary information and add the precise reason for your appointment in the comments.


I have never worn contact lenses before:


  • Contact lens fitting and learning, in 3 appointments: CHF 150.00

During the 1st appointment, the optician will do a complete eye test, together with a control of the ocular surface and eyelids. He will define the type of contact lenses (daily, weekly, monthly …).

During the 2nd appointment, contact lenses will be fitted for a few hours.

During the 3rd appointment a few hours later (on the same day as the second appointment), your expert optician will perform a complete check of your vision and verify that the contact lenses are well tolerated and adapted to your eyes, to ensure optimal comfort. He will also learn you how to manipulate, use and take care of your contact lenses.

Once online, simply select the “Contact lens appointment”, fill in the necessary information and add the precise reason for your appointment “Contact lens fitting and learning” in the comments.

In addition, you can make an appointment in store for the following reasons: 

I have never worn contact lenses before:


  • Lens handling and tips: duration approx. 30 min. CHF 60.00

New contact lens wearers will learn how to use, handle and take care of their contact lenses.


I already wear contact lenses:


  • Contact lens renewal, in 2 appointments: 1st appointment - 30 min., 2nd appointment - approx. 15 min. CHF 90.00

This is an examination that allows contact lens wearers to change their contact lenses with a pair that suits them best. The 2nd appointment, a few days later, allows contact lens wearers to check whether the chosen contact lenses are perfectly adapted to their eyes and habits.

Why should I change my contact lens model regularly?

The physiology of the eye changes over time. Defects can appear, and certain environmental factors sometimes make the eye more fragile (dry indoor air, use of screens, allergies, etc.).

Remember that the eye perceives contact lenses as a foreign body. Poor care or ill-fitting contact lenses can cause discomfort or damage to the cornea. 

A contact lens check-up will ensure that the chosen model and correction are still suitable for your needs or, if necessary, that you are offered a more comfortable and better performing model from among the many that are regularly released on the market.